Outside Payment Lenders
Outside Payment Lenders
Outside Payment Lenders
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Why is your account being transfered?
Ace Auto Sales is a small, family based business and we want to keep it that way. With outside payment options and other companies administering your payments, this helps to keep our staffing at a minimum, and helps us keep our cost lower on our vehicles without us having MORE overhead cost. With the rising cost of EVERYTHING, this is best for our business AND our customers. We love our customers and wish we could keep you all 100% of the time but we will HOLD YOUR HAND in this transfer process. These amazing companies also are able to build our customers credit faster than we can since they are a true Financial Corporation.
Ace Auto Sales partners with MidAtlantic Finance (aka MAF), The Money Source, and Sterling Credit Corporation (SCC_ quarterly to help manage our accounts and report our customer's good credit! They have multiple ways to pay online, by check, by apps, over the phone and more. There are multiple partnerships so that we can find the best match to our customers background and payment histories.
When your account starts the transfer process, one of the partnered companies will make welcome calls on behalf of Ace Auto Sales. They will be verifying your account name, address, and vehicle information. Their number when calling you, will show up as a Florida number. If you missed this call please call them back at the number to the right.
You will continue to make your payments to Ace Auto Sales until the transfer is complete. Please know that nothing about your account will change (NAMES, DUE DATES, RATES, ETC. WILL ALL STAY THE SAME.) You will just now be making payments to them using 1 of their MANY ways to pay instead of Ace Auto Sales once the transfer is completed.
You will still be required to make your payments on-time and keep insurance with a $500 or less deductible as well. If payments are not made, your account will be in default.

MidAtlantic Finance Company toll free at:
MidAtlantic Finance Company
P.O. Box 12139
St. Petersburg, FL 33733-2139

The Money Source
The Money Source, Inc.
1098 9th Avenue SW
Bessemer, AL 35022
No Card Fees of any kind, no matter the payment method!

Sterling Credit Corporation
(407) 240-2345 Customer Service
(877) 859-8401 Payments
(407) 214-3968 Automated payments
(407) 551-2230 Verification
Sterling Credit Corp.
PO BOX 162449
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716